Extra-Curricular Activities

All qualified students may try out for membership on an athletic team and in extra-curricular activities. 学校致力于为每个人提供公平的参与机会. 不幸的是,不是每个试过的人都能被接受. The decision of the coach or moderator is final. 家长们被鼓励帮助他们的孩子明白不是每个人都会被选中.

Extra-Curricular Activity Code: Pertains to all school clubs and organizations aside from athletic teams and cheerleading squads. All students engaged in school clubs and activities shall be doing passing work in at least 25 credit hours (5 Academic Classes) of high school work per week. 那些不符合这一要求的学生将没有资格在接下来的(7)个日历天, 从教练和学生运动员接到通知后的第一天开始. 驾驶员教育不属于25小时工作制.

学生必须参加至少四(4)节课才能练习, perform, 或者参加课外活动或体育比赛, 除了因为学校组织的活动而缺席.

来自不同高中的学生之间的科学和工程竞赛. 学生个人和学校团队可以获得不同程度的认可.

Alleman Catholic High School Disciples
Student led prayer / bible study group.  学生被给予空间和社区的朋友在信仰和基督的生活中成长. 

学生们帮助在整个社区以积极的态度宣传Alleman.  突出各种活动,学术和运动的机会,欧博体育app必须提供.  大使们还将全年访问这三所合作学校. 

先锋音乐系的正式演出单位, is open to all students who have demonstrated musical ability through elementary and junior high school. This is a class. 乐队在家里演奏足球和篮球比赛, at sports assemblies, in concerts here and in the community, 即使在游行中,如果一个学生演奏乐队乐器,但不想在乐队班, he may be able to just play at the sports events.

Book Club
学生将在整个学年阅读和讨论书籍. 欧博体育app每个季度末读一本书,开一次会. 

There are two Choirs:

  • Audition Choir is a class. 这个班在学校和社区团体举办音乐会, particular during the Holiday Season.

  • 弥撒唱诗班为欧博体育app在学校庆祝的礼拜仪式(天主教弥撒)提供歌唱

Computer Club
满足为学生提供身体技术支持的学生需求.  主要重点是维护学生的chromebook

Dance Marathon
The student body unites to raise awareness and donations for children under care at the University of Iowa’s Children’s Hospital in Iowa City.  Students host fundraising events throughout the year and raise pledges so that they can attend a special night  of dancing, 食物和娱乐,向欧博体育app的舞蹈马拉松家庭和艾尔曼高中的同学们致敬.

Drama Club
The Drama Club is open to all students. 它的目的是每年展示三个主要的学校作品. 俱乐部还赞助娱乐活动和教育实地考察.

Engineer and Science Club
The Science and Engineering Club dedicates itself to bringing students together that are interested in competitive and non-competitive competitions related to engineering and science fairs. This club gives guidance to students to learn and create projects from various local and state competitions for engineering and science. 

Game Club
Students and teachers gather to play games after school on Tuesdays in the library from 3:00 to 4:30 PM.  Over 100 games are available to play.

Habitat for Humanity Club
Students assist the local organization HfHQC in the process of building homes for people in need in our area. 学生们在星期六自愿为志愿者提供午餐, outdoor landscaping/lawn work, 甚至实际建造的房子,如果超过16岁.  Some summer volunteering may be available.

伊利诺斯州不同高中学生之间的数学竞赛. Various levels of recognition can be won for the individual as well as the high school the student attends. There are individual & team competitions.

International Club
The International Club is open to all students interested in all foreign cultures and languages with an emphasis on Spanish and French. Various activities are planned throughout the year including a “Foreign Language and Cultural Awareness Week.”

Key Club
Key Club is an international youth organization whose membership is dedicated to the service of home, school and community. Membership is composed of individuals who have applied for acceptance and been nominated by an Alleman faculty member.

National Honor Society
学生的提名和选拔基于学业成绩,领导能力和服务. 这些学生每季度都参加服务项目. NHS每年二月都会组织赛迪·霍金斯舞会.

Pioneer Press
欧博体育app出版了一份校报“先锋出版社”。. 欧博体育app鼓励所有学生向教职员提交文章.

Pioneer Reflections
艾尔曼的美术与文学杂志每年出版一次. It includes poetry, short stories, essays, art work, original musical compositions, 以及各年级学生提交的外语作品. 欧博体育app鼓励有兴趣成为员工的所有年级的学生加入.

Project Green Schools
为高成就者提供结构化的基于章节的计划, 注重环境的学生在学校创造非凡的影响, organizations, 同时在州和国家层面上得到他们应得的认可. NGSS计划培养聪明、有公民意识、有环保意识的公民. 

Formal Dance reserved for seniors and juniors.   Traditionally held in late April/early May.

Sigma Alpha Delta (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
A student-led organization that promotes positive choices by organizing fun activities for students to participate in without the pressure of drugs, alcohol or degradation: Tailgates, bowling, movie nights, and many more.

Star Spangled Banner Singers

Student Council
A student-led organization that empowers our student leaders to organize and run large school events/projects that promote school spirit and unity for the betterment of our school and community: Homecoming,Student Council Week, Freshman Orientation, Blood Drive, and many more.

Student Hunger Drive
The mission of the Student Hunger Drive is to "unite and empower area high school students in the commitment to feed the hungry and promote volunteerism." 6-8 week program in which students organize activities to collect non-perishable food donations for the Riverbend Food Pantry. This is a competition between local high schools to see who can bring in the heaviest poundage of food.

The Yarn Club
Students get together to create crocheted & 捐赠给有需要的人的针织物品(帽子、围巾等)

Alleman publishes a school yearbook, “Pioneer”. Students are encouraged to contact the moderator.

If a student has a particular interest in an area and if the student can identify other students interested and a faculty member who agrees to moderate, additional organizations may be established. A written proposal, and description must be completed and submitted to the principal for approval.

Some student organizations have their own by-laws that govern student discipline within that organization. In the case of a violation of school rules, the by-laws of the organization will determine the appropriate discipline and the student’s standing within the organization that may go above and beyond the school’s disciplinary code. 所有其他俱乐部/活动的纪律处分程序将按以下规定处理.

  • HIGHLY OBJECTIONABLE HABITS 例如拥有或使用或在有非法毒品的地方逗留, including the underage use of alcohol, or other Grave Offenses as listed in the Handbook can cause the student to be suspended from the club/organization. Any student who holds an elected office or appointed position in a school club/organization/team must resign from that

  • FIRST OFFENSE: 停学三十(30)天,不能参加俱乐部/组织活动. 祖母绿队成员的初犯停赛将根据本赛季的三分之一计算. 这次休学不影响课程成绩所要求的活动. 如果在学校不上课的时候发生违法行为, 休学将于复课第一天起生效.

  • VOLUNTARY ADMISSION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Voluntary admission, in writing to the Principal or Assistant Principal, by the student of an infraction involving substance abuse will result in the consequence being reduced by half. The purpose of this provision is to encourage the student to accept responsibility for his/her actions/decisions. The voluntary admission may NOT be used if the rule infraction is already known to the Principal and/or Assistant Principal. 这项规定只能在高中生涯中使用一次,并且只能用于初犯.

  • SECOND OFFENSE WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL: 休学六十(60)天,不能参加俱乐部/组织活动. If however, 第二次违规发生在第一次违规的365个日历日内, then the suspension will be for one calendar year. 无资格期间不得同时执行. A second offense for a member of the Emeralds will be calculated based on two-thirds of the season. 如果在学校不上课的时候发生违法行为, 休学将于复课第一天起生效.

  • THIRD OFFENSE WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL: The student will be suspended for a minimum of one calendar year from the date of the offense with the possibility of no further participation unless 50 hours of work detentions at Alleman are satisfactorily completed. 无资格期间不得同时执行.

Clubs & Organization Highlights


大使项目面向二年级、三年级和四年级学生开放. These students are selected by the Administration and Faculty to represent Alleman to the partner schools and to help incoming Freshmen.


Key Club

Key Club is an international youth organization whose membership is dedicated to the service of home, school and community. 会员由申请入会的个人组成.


National Honor Society

全国荣誉协会的目的是激发人们对奖学金的热情, to stimulate a desire to render service, 促进有价值的领导和鼓励品格的发展.


Student Council

The Student Council is designed to be an important part of Alleman High School to serve as a medium of communication between the student body and the administration and faculty.